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To Fix Students’ Bad Behavior, Stop Punishing Them

Collaborative methods for handling misconduct make their way to the classroom

Wayne D'Orio of Education Next writes "you don’t need a primer on how behavior has become worse—much worse—since students returned to school post-pandemic. Chances are you’ve observed just what the data from the National Center for Education Statistics report: 84 percent of school leaders say student behavioral development has been negatively impacted. This is evident in a dramatic increase in classroom disruptions, ranging from student misconduct to acts of disrespect toward teachers and staff to the prohibited use of electronic devices."

Read on to hear from Think:Kids client Matt Cretsinger, director of special services for the Marshalltown Community School District in Iowa, Dr. J. Stuart Ablon, and others on what's causing bad behavior in the classroom and how schools and districts can use collaborative approaches to manage behavior while growing student skills.

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